There is no doubting the incredible effect music has on all our lives. Again, like the art classes, we have witnessed sessions where on a weekly basis music classes are offered and are well attended by regulars at MIFSA. These sessions become extremely important to every day life and give participants something to really look forward to. Catherine House also facilitate choir sessions and have formed their own group regularly performing in their repertoire is their own “Calling all Catherines” Foundation Shine Inc has been fortunate enough to have the Catherines perform at events. Again, Foundation Shine Inc has actively assisted with this program at MIFSA and can see scope for our own workshops. We have, in fact, engaged ‘RECOVERY’ MIFSA’s very own band to perform at one of the functions we held at The Adelaide Entertainment Centre. Sharon Middleton, one of the Foundation members is an accomplished singer having released c.d.’s and sung at many corporate functions and is just one of many that we would look to assist in the delivery of these workshops. Research has shown that music, particularly drumming, can improve mood states, enhance capacity to concentrate and also reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.