MAY 2015
Wild and blustery weather could in no way impact on our annual luncheon celebration of Mothers held at the Festival Banquet Room.
On the banks of the Torrens with majestic swans and bird life lazing on the lawn within view of our room, all who attended would enjoy what was a wonderful day.
Our Compere Eve Goodings greeted our guests and navigated everyone through the array of draws, raffles and giveaways, which included, the best lucky dip, where everyone wins a prize well in excess of the $10.00 per ticket entry – Robyn May and Margi Lenzi work very hard to put together a stunning array of items up for grabs and on the day between Bob and Margi they are run off their feet, this year even calling in an extra helper in Barb.
Thanks to BeyondBlue, NewAccess Program a magnificent basket of Haigh’s chocolates was on offer for the business card draw. Raffle tickets for 6 stunning prizes and smiley face table centre draw to win Robyn’s very special centre piece which included a stunning orchid, inspirational book of Affirmations, shining star chocolates and a very generous gift voucher from Zink the Element of Hair. Each guest received a little box of positive Affirmations thanks to Margi Lenzi, a specially boxed chocolate gift from Bec Minuzzo of Ribbon Whirls, a hair product from Zink the Element of Hair and a very special C.D. from our own Sharon Middleton. If you are a regular to our lunches, you will know Que Sera Sera has kinda become our anthem, so Sharon decided to put this song down on C.D. with a selection of three others, as a gift for each lucky guest.
With the initial welcome and housekeeping done, it was time to hear from Robyn to talk about the event and thank our incredible sponsors, who without, running our functions would not be possible. This also involved giving all some insight into the organisations that we would be assisting by running the luncheon, which included BeyondBlue NewAccess, MIFSA Carer Counselling and Catherine House, whose aim is to Educate Women out of Homelessness. A short DVD of each was shown to create awareness and understanding.
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