Foundation Shine Inc has discovered the positive impact and benefits of providing organisations caring for those suffering mental ill health with beautifully filled pamper packs. Robyn carefully selects products for inclusion, and wraps them in such a way they are very special and welcomed by all who receive them.
Category Archives: classes
Consultants would be engaged to provide attendees advice in the area of budgeting and managing financial affairs. The longer term strategy is to raise funds for a premises to provide short-term emergency accommodation as well as a ‘drop-in’ centre.
Return to Work
Experienced Human Resource Consultants would be contracted to conduct these workshops.
The consultants would provide assistance in writing resumés and conducting mock interviews and overall interview presentation. We have seen the benefits gained at facilities we have financially assisted that have these kind of resources available.
Cooking Classes
Foundation Shine Inc was very fortunate in being able to assist MIFSA financially with the relocation of it’s community kitchen project. The kitchen gives attendees basic cooking skills and also the opportunity to learn about the preparation and combination of different foods to promote a healthy lifestyle . The interaction with others, from what we have witnessed creates enormous benefits with confidence and self esteem with an evident ‘buzz’ filling the room. It is an important meeting place and hub within MIFSA. Again, it is our belief, Foundation Shine Inc is well placed to offer cooking classes, nutrition and dietary assistance, food shopping guidance through engaging experts in these fields, as well as promoting our own ‘social hub’. Who knows, the skills and confidence gained through our Cooking workshops could lead to possible employment prospects.
There is no doubting the incredible effect music has on all our lives. Again, like the art classes, we have witnessed sessions where on a weekly basis music classes are offered and are well attended by regulars at MIFSA. These sessions become extremely important to every day life and give participants something to really look forward to. Catherine House also facilitate choir sessions and have formed their own group regularly performing in their repertoire is their own “Calling all Catherines” Foundation Shine Inc has been fortunate enough to have the Catherines perform at events. Again, Foundation Shine Inc has actively assisted with this program at MIFSA and can see scope for our own workshops. We have, in fact, engaged ‘RECOVERY’ MIFSA’s very own band to perform at one of the functions we held at The Adelaide Entertainment Centre. Sharon Middleton, one of the Foundation members is an accomplished singer having released c.d.’s and sung at many corporate functions and is just one of many that we would look to assist in the delivery of these workshops. Research has shown that music, particularly drumming, can improve mood states, enhance capacity to concentrate and also reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Art Classes
We have witnessed first hand how effective art can be in promoting self worth and strength through Emma Codrington and her work with ACEDA, in presenting her exhibition entitled Chrysalis. Emma had suffered from a mental illness in the form of anorexia. It is Emma’s belief that her creativity gave her the self worth and strength to overcome her eating disorder and now help others through her exhibitions and book. Foundation Shine Inc. have actively supported Emma and ACEDA with this important project. As a result of this experience Robyn and Sharon thought through the value of art and craft workshops. Both having excellent contacts who could deliver interesting and fulfilling classes in painting and making pieces, including sewing, patchwork and general craft. These sessions would not only deliver learning skills, but companionship and fun. In the meantime we continue to assist existing facilities that Foundation Shine Inc offers support to that currently do have art classes running.
Flower Arranging
These workshops to be conducted by Robyn May, one of the Foundation members. Robyn has over 20 years experience in floral design having owned her own business which employed six staff. Attendees have the opportunity to learn the basics of floral design and further create designs using fresh flowers and foliage which they take home. It is anticipated that these workshops will not only give the attendees an enjoyable regular experience where they can communicate with others, but may also lead to employment in that area. Robyn has been actively running these classes through groups Foundation Shine Inc currently assists.