Shine Newsletter Issue 20

Christmas Message from the President

As our final newsletter for the year goes to print, it is rather noticeable that Christmas is very much just around the corner! We have once again been able to make significant donations to those organisations who work hard on a daily basis, to make a difference to the lives of those suffering mental ill health. I warmly thank our very loyal donors and supporters for continuing to show such wonderful generosity in assisting Foundation Shine to further our vital cause of raising funds and awareness for mental health. For many of us, the festive season means fun and relaxation, but for others it can be a time of stress, financial pressures and loneliness. Support services report that suicide and selfharm are typically high over the Christmas period. At the same time, there is increased demand on mental health services and support when they are not running at full capacity.

Therefore, as family and friends it is important we look out for signs of mental health difficulties and offer comfort and kindness in the true spirit of Christmas. May this Christmas season bring you closer toall those that you treasure in your heart.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Warm Regards,

Robyn May


Download Shine Newsletter Edition 20

Shine Newsletter Issue 19

The beautiful and picturesque banks of the Torrens were the setting for the 2014 Annual Mother’s Day Event – and what a day it was. The room just looked gorgeous with Robyn’s beautiful table centres including a $75 voucher from ZINK: The Element of Hair and was complimented by silk embroidered heart eye pads made by Barb Reuter, with a citron pendant designed and made by Maria Kenda AM Jewellery. Bec Minuzzo of Ribbon Whirls further spoilt all guests with individual gift boxes filled with treats. Foundation Shine Inc. President, Robyn May delivered her speech of sincere thanks to all those who had made the day possible, but also explained the work of the organizations that received funding from proceeds for the day. They were Eating Disorders Assoc of S.A., Catherine House, Carer Support and Mental Illness Fellowship of S.A. Inc. Foundation Shine’s effervescent compere Eve Goodings greeted the ladies with her usual wit we have all become so accustomed to and joined with special guest, well known Adelaide personality and Advertiser Columnist Ali Clarke in a frank, interesting and inspiring chat. Ali Clarke is the patron for Carer Support.

The Catherines, the resident Catherine House Choir sang from their hearts and were overwhelmingly received by all. We were thrilled with the fashion parade of the gorgeous new season’s range from iconic fashion house Perri Cutten, with the models wearing designer hats created by Studio Hats and was finished off with designs from multi award winning couture designer Alexis George resulting in gasps from the audience in sheer adoration for the dreamy, fairytale designs. The beautiful models were so generously supplied by RMT Model Management with Suzie and Jo from Zink – The Element of Hair also donating their time and energy to ensure the models had amazing hair styles and Natasha finished it off with simply glamorous make up.

If all of that wasn’t enough, there was a lucky dip which kept Bobby and Margi flat out and Ku De Ta with their range of bags and jewellery satisfied the urge for retail therapy. Maria Kenda AM, patron and sponsor displayed some of her magnificent jewellery designs, carefully selected from the range available at the Hilton in Victoria Square, Adelaide.

The Silent Auction created some competitive rivalry as each tried to outbid each other. A lucky door prize, donated by Maria Kenda AM was received with much excitement so too the raffle winners !!

Shaz finished off the day with Foundation Shine’s adopted ‘anthem’ Que Sera Sera and brought to a close another very successful event.

The day promised to deliver happiness and I think there is no doubting we achieved that and more.

We raised $14,000 from the day, with Maria Kenda AM donating $4000.00 from the proceeds of sales. As a result the four organisations we set out to assist, each received $3500.00 to assist in their vital work in the community.

Sincere thanks to all who attended and donated goods and services to make the event such a success.

Download Shine Newsletter Edition 19