Shine Newsletter Issue 20

Christmas Message from the President

As our final newsletter for the year goes to print, it is rather noticeable that Christmas is very much just around the corner! We have once again been able to make significant donations to those organisations who work hard on a daily basis, to make a difference to the lives of those suffering mental ill health. I warmly thank our very loyal donors and supporters for continuing to show such wonderful generosity in assisting Foundation Shine to further our vital cause of raising funds and awareness for mental health. For many of us, the festive season means fun and relaxation, but for others it can be a time of stress, financial pressures and loneliness. Support services report that suicide and selfharm are typically high over the Christmas period. At the same time, there is increased demand on mental health services and support when they are not running at full capacity.

Therefore, as family and friends it is important we look out for signs of mental health difficulties and offer comfort and kindness in the true spirit of Christmas. May this Christmas season bring you closer toall those that you treasure in your heart.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Warm Regards,

Robyn May


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